To use this script, you need the ExifTool by Phil Harvey (it's a very usefull free utility).
Here are the instruction:
- Copy paste the script in a .cmd file
- Place the .cmd file in the ExifTool folder
- Customize the script (set the source/destination folder, and the source/destination file type)
It should output the name of the files that exists in both source and destination folder.
- Activate one of the 2 ExifTool command by removing one of the red rem
- The first command wont copy the orientation tag
- The second command will copy even the orientation tag
- Check which one work best for you (and, anyway, never delete source material :-) )
- Run the script again, to copy the ExifData
Here is the script:
@echo off===============================================================
rem Find the script path
set scriptPath=%~dp0
set scriptPath=%scriptPath:~0,-1%
rem Source folder (images FROM WHICH you want to copy exif data)
rem Source file type
set srcType=dng
rem Destination folder (images TO WHICH you want exif data to be copied)
rem Destination file type
set dstType=jpg
rem Scan the source folder
FOR %%d IN ("%src%\*.%srcType%") DO (
rem ECHO %%d
rem ECHO %%~nd
IF EXIST "%dst%\%%~nd.%dstType%" (
ECHO %%d
rem "%scriptPath%\exiftool.exe" -TagsFromFile "%%d" --Orientation "%dst%\%%~nd.jpg"
rem "%scriptPath%\exiftool.exe" -TagsFromFile "%%d" "%dst%\%%~nd.%dstType%"