
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Compact theme for Google Reader via GreaseMonkey script - More clear, more readable, hidden header, hidden top navigation bar, less unused white space - Perfect for small screen

Not everybody like the new (1/11/2011) Google Reader user interface.
I don't like it, especially because I use Google Reader on a netbook with a 10" screen of 1024x600 pixel.
The new theme have too much white, unused, space. Too much header. and few space for actual contents.
Just some hour after the release of the new interface there have been a big proliferation of "fix" for the new interface, especially on (Greasemonkey script archive).
After testing them all, I've come up with my own version of these script.
My script is based on "Google Reader Back", I've just added some code to hide some more element (feed title, top navigation bar, top header with search button).

This layout fit perfectly the way I use Google Reader on my netbook.
Here is my script

Google Reader Compact For Small Screen  (

Here are the result, before:


and after, with my script installed

Fell free to use it or modify it.
A big thanks to Hoong Ern, the developer of Google Reader Back ( upon which is based my script.
Comments and suggestion are welcome.