
Friday, May 27, 2011

Reblog: .NET 4.0 and System.Threading.Tasks | CodeThinked

In the soon-to-be-released .NET 4.0 framework and Visual Studio 2010 we are going to get a plethora of new tools to help us write better multi-threaded applications. One of these tools is a new namespace within the System.Threading namespace which is called "Tasks". The Tasks in System.Threading.Tasks namespace are a method of fine grained parallelism, similar to creating and using threads, but they have a few key differences...

An interesting article about .Net 4.0 new Task class vs Thread and threading (multithread, threadpool, etc...)

Fabrice Bellard's In browser Javascript PC emulator that boot linux!

A PC emulator in Javascript

That's incredible! It's an x86 PC emulator written in javascript that can boot linux in a browser window!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reblog: Debugging Classic ASP ( VBScript ) in Visual Studio 2008 - CodeProject

This is a step by step guide on how to set up your project so you can debug a site written in classic ASP VBScript using Visual Studio 2008

I read on the net that it should work even on VS 2010

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reblog: Forcing 32-bit Execution in .NET | Brant Burnett's Development Blog

Sometimes when developing .NET applications it becomes necessary to force an application to run in 32-bit mode, even on a 64-bit processor. One scenario that I’ve run into is when you’re using Crystal Reports embedded in the application. I’m not sure about newer versions, but for Crystal Reports XI R2 it won’t work in 64-bit mode.

In order to get something like that to work, you must force 32-bit execution on the executable. Forcing it on a DLL assembly in your application won’t help, then it won’t be able to load that DLL either. It needs to start in 32-bit mode from the beginning. If you can make the change in the development environment before compilation, just set the flags on the assembly there and everything will be great.

However, if you need to make the change to a compiled assembly it’s a little more difficult. To do so, use the corflags command-line utility. This program is included in the Windows SDK. To do so, simply run “corflags program.exe /32BIT+”.

If the assembly is strongly-named, then you must do a little more. First, you must add a /force flag, running “corflags program.exe /32BIT+ /Force”. Then, you must rehash and resign the assembly, using “sn -Ra program.exe key.snk”. In this case, key.snk is your key file for signing the assembly.

Hope this helps!

It helped :-)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reblog: Coding Horror: Working with the Chaos Monkey

Raise your hand if where you work, someone deployed a daemon or service that randomly kills servers and processes in your server farm.

Now raise your other hand if that person is still employed by your company.

Who in their right mind would willingly choose to work with a Chaos Monkey?


interesting post about web service redundancy and correlated things

Monday, May 2, 2011

Reblog: Coding Horror

… I feel ethically and morally obligated to let you in on a dirty little secret I've discovered in the last two years of full time SSD ownership. Solid state hard drives fail. A lot. And not just any fail. I'm talking about catastrophic, oh-my-God-what-just-happened-to-all-my-data instant gigafail. It's not pretty.

interesting post about SSD, and the fact that some of them seem to fail early